WSCRC Creates New Entity Allowing Duty Free Imports of PPE to Fight COVID-19

April 13, 2020

The Washington State China Relations Council, a 501(c)(6) organization, announced today that it has created a new sister organization, the Washington State China Relations Fund (WSCRF). The new entity is a 501(c)(3) organization, able to accept tax-deductible charitable donations.

The new entity was founded to provide more solid financial grounding for the Council’s educational programs. The Council runs many programs focused on business, cultural and educational topics that impact the relationship between Washington state and China. The Council hopes that by providing an opportunity to make tax-deductible contributions, both long-term supporters and other interested parties will help contribute the resources needed to expand the Council’s efforts to improve ties between Washington state and China.

The establishment of WSCRF could not come as a more opportune time as U.S. Customs has recently ruled that 501(c)(3) organizations are able to import donated personal protective equipment (PPE) from abroad duty free. The WSCRF has quickly filed the required documents and will act as the importer of record for a shipment of masks donated to the City of Seattle by the City of Hangzhou, which are due to arrive in Seattle next week. The Washington State China Relations Fund is also working with entities in China as well as local organizations to facilitate additional imports of PPE for Washington’s medical community.

We are extremely pleased that this entity is able to quickly transition to a role as an importer of PPE.  Although the long term plan for the WSCRF is to provide educational programs focused on improving our relations with China, we are glad that WSCRF is able to tangibly assist in the fight against COVID-19.

To read about the new ruling from the U.S. Customs Bureau regarding duty free imports of PPE, click here.

For more information about the Washington State China Relations Fund, or to make a donation, please contact:

Nor Coquillard   email:

Man Wang         email: